Hello! Or rather goodbye...
It is our last night in Germany and while all of us will be sad to go, we are at the same time ready to leave. As tiredness has started to kick in, our minds have drifted more and more to the things and people we miss. The top of the list right now is torn between family, friends, home-cooked meals and shower heads that are actually mounted on the wall.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that these two weeks have been one amazing and unforgettable experience after another. The people, the music, and the rich history have combined to give all of us memories and friends we will have for the rest of our lives. Thank you to all parents, band directors, and others that made this trip a reality. We all owe you so much that my words cannot be adequate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - your hard work is appreciated.
Much love from Deutschland and congrats to the futball team for making it into the semifinals! We will see you tomorrow!